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Adrenaline-Pumping Adventure: Crossing the Empty Quarter (Bayda’ Allahy)

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Crossing the Empty Quarter starts from its northeastern part in the Shabita area near the Shaibah field and extends to the crater in the Umm Al-Hadid area. Umm Al-Hadid, also known as "Bayda’ Allahy," is a sulfur well surrounded by palm trees, plants, and grass. Bayda’ Allahy is one of the most famous areas in the Empty Quarter, serving as a crossroads to the east, leading to AlQaad area, and to the west, reaching Um Quroon and Tawil Al-Khatam. This 6-day journey takes you to the heart of the Empty Quarter, passing through the most important wells, oases, and sand dunes. It is an enjoyable and exciting journey with its enchanting days and nights.


Starts from
SR 12,500